But it seems that Dawkins’ views are even more complicated. Darwinian in science, but hardly anywhere else. Here is one of his recent lectures compressed to the size of a blog entry:
I support Darwin as a scientist I am a passionate antidarwinian as it comes to politics and how we should conduct our human affairs. If you try to apply the lessons of Darwinism as social Darwinists did to human society, then you end up with a kind of super-Thatcherism (…) or even Hitler
“The New Republic”, where Wells outlines his Darwinian utopia contains some blood-chilling lines so unpleasant that I find it hard to read them aloud. [But] we have moved away from the mores of our wild ancestors .Contraception is good enough evidence that we move away from our Darwinian principles. That it can be done and the fact that we spend most of our live striving for goals which have nothing to do with propagating ourselves with genes is further evidence that it can be done.”
I would like to live in a sort of society which is not run on Darwinian principles, while fully acknowledging that the brains and bodies that we possess were put there by Darwinian principles in the first place. Theoretically, in future centuries evolution could take a new human-guided turn and you really could plan for evolution.