How do you love Jesus? Would your love survive if you realised that Jesus can do nothing for you? Would you still love him if you learned that Jesus was no God, but an ordinary man like you and me? Mine would. Because his life shows that you can never tell, if your life ultimately proves to be a success or a failure. Jesus was a failed prophet, died a terrible and shameful death, condemned by both the Romans and the Jews. His pupils fled and he had only criminals for company. He sighed: "God, why have you forsaken me?".
Yet he was a founder of a world religion (the spadework was done by his pupils, but he was the inspiration), though he never lived to know it. His example shows that, however successful or however unfortunate we are, we will never be able to know enough to judge our lives. So let's keep our heads up and never cease to smile. And let us be merry as in
Merry Christmas
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