Monday, 18 October 2010

Mass production of my beautiful self

Can brains be copied? Or more precisely, will we be able in some distant future to make copies of the information contained in our heads for some future use. I am sure top secret scientists are working on it and one day we will learn that the illuminating papers written on philosophy of mind were for some scholars only a front for some substantial undercover operation paid for by the military (mind uploading, whole brain emulation, mind transfer).
But we must not expect that one day we will be able to pack in our mindes and wake up in a different, possibly more superior bodies. Subjectivity cannot be copied, now or in the future, I think. Just imagine what happens if they make 100 copies of me. I would have to wake up in 100 bodies, if they put me into all of them. I would have to listen to a cacophony of thoughts, from different selves, less and reminding me and going their separate ways. Or if I wake up in one body, while should be this particular one, and no other. How to keep just one loudspeaker on, and turn off the remaining ones.
I better remain mortal.
Dualist without God.

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